DENİZLİ Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim dalında  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim bölümleri.


DENİZLİ Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce Hazırlık Atlama Sınavı Programı  İçeriği

1 – DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık Atlama Sınavı (  Birebir Özel Ders  )
2 – DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce Hazırlık Atlama Sınavı (  4 kişi – Grup Özel Ders )

 1 – DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık Atlama Sınavı (  Birebir Özel Ders  ) :

DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim dalında DENİZLİ  Özel Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim bölümlerindeki  Denizli Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı  derslerinde, Bahçeşehir üniversitesi öğrencileri için özel bir biçimde organize edilen  Denizli Özel Bahçeşehir  Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı derslerine  Denizli Birebir Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce Hazırlık Atlama Sınavı özel dersine katılarak birebir İngilizce özel ders almak isteyenlere uygulanan programlarda Denizli Bireysel Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavını hemen bir çırpıda halletmek , sınavdan kurtulmak bir an önce kısa yoldan rahata ermek amacında olan öğrencileri için Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim dalında Denizli Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim bölümlerindeki  Denizli Kişiye Özel Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı  derslerinde, özel yöntem, sistem ve bilgilerle Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce Hazırlık Atlama Sınavına Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce Hazırlık Atlama Sınavı dersleri ile hazırlanan öğrencinin tüm amaç ve hedefleri ile birebir özellik ve teknik bilgiler taşıyan, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitiminde öğrencilerin eksik akademik kelime sayısını özel yöntemler kullanarak kısa bir sürede sınav için Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitimi ile yeterli hale getiren, sınavda sorulan soruların nasıl çözülmesi gerektiği hakkında özel açıklamalar yapan bu Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı programlarında bireysel olarak İngilizce özel ders almak isteyen aday öğrenci, kendisine uygulanacak olan Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı  programının hangi günlerde uygulanmasını istediğine kendi karar verir ve Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı programI öğrencinin isteği doğrultusunda düzenlenir.

DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı branşlarındaki Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı  etkinlikleri kapsamında  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı seminerlerinde düzenlenen Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı  için eğitimlerde  kaç derslik bir program uygulandığında öğrenci başarılı olabilir şeklinde ki sorunu, DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitiminde öğrencinin sınavda almak zorunda olduğu nota ve İngilizce seviyesine, bilgi ve becerisine ve algılama kapasitesine  göre karar verilir ve çözülür. Fakat şurası bir gerçek ki, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı öğretilerinde  birebir uygulanacak olan Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınav programı, öğrencinin tüm eksik ve yetersiz yanlarını kapsayan, onaran, tamamlayan ve İngilizce seviyesini yükselten bir özellikte olacaktır.

Ayrıca, DENİZLİ Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı konusuna organize edilen  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim departmanında bu programlar tüm özellik, incelik ve ayrıntıları ile Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitimşnde uygulanarak öğrenciyi sınava ve sınavda başarılı olmaya tam anlamı ile hazır bir hale getirecektir.

2 – DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce Hazırlık Atlama Sınavı (  4 kişi – Grup Özel Ders ) :

 Bazen rastlanılan bir durumdur. Üniversitede aynı sınıfta okuyan yada eskiden beri arkadaş olan ve bir birlerinden kopmayan 2-3-4 arkadaş bir araya gelerek beraberce grup halinde İngilizce ders almak isterler. Bu gibi durumlarda  DENİZLİ Gruplara  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı organizasyonlardaki  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı etkinlikleri platformunda öğrencilere onları kalabalık gruplarla yapılan derslerde ortaya çıkan bir takım sorunlardan uzak tutmak adına DENİZLİ TOPLU  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitiminde özel olarak bu öğrencilerin isteklerinin, hedeflerini ve amaçlarının birinci plana alındığı ve bunları gerçekleştirebilecek tüm çağdaş bilgi ve tekniklerle donanmış içeriği sadece öğrenci odaklı ve yüksek bir skor alabilmeleri için gerekli bilgilerle donanmış Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınav grup programı hazırlanarak sınav konusunda uzmanlaşmış Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavında akademik kariyeri olan eğitmenler  tarafından uygulanır. İşte bu , aynı üniversiteye devam eden 4 öğrenciden oluşturulan gruplar içinde Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı dersleri mevcuttur. Bu grupların 4 kişiden oluşturulması tamamen bilimsel araştırmalar sonucunda bulunmuş bulgulara dayanır. Zira, grup şeklinde yapılan DENİZLİ Yoğun Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı derslerinde en iyi sonuçların 4 ve 4 kişiyi geçmeyen gruplarda elde edildiği kanıtlanmıştır.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı alanında Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim platformunda tertip edilen toplu Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı programında mevcut  olarak az öğrenci bulunan bu gruplarda öğrenci, DENİZLİ Yoğun  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitiminde istediği anda anlamadığı bir konu hakkında soru sorabilir bu imkan her zaman öğrenci için mevcuttur. Diğer yandan da, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı programında eğitmen öğrenci sayısının az olmasından yararlanarak onlarla hem daha yakın iletişim kurabilir hemde çok daha iyi ilgilenebilir.

DENİZLİ  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı kategorisindeki Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı bağlamında gruplar için sağlanmış Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı programında bu olumlu faktörlerin tümünün bir araya gelmesi ile ortaya iyi bir DENİZLİ Hedef Odaklı Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitimi verilmiş ve sınavda başarılı olabilme ihtimalleri yüksek öğrenciler Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim dalında  Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı eğitim bölümlerindeki  DENİZLİ  Amaca Yönelik Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı  derslerinde ortaya çıkar


 2008-2009 Academic Year



Questions 1-3: On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best completes each sentence.

1. Having begged for a few years, ……………… .

a) the decision to sell “ The Big Issue” gives Dave a big chance.

b) selling “ The Big Issue” is a great opportunity for Dave.

c) making 7.5 dollars a day is not enough for Dave.

d) Dave knows hecklers and “taxing” are common problems.

2. ……………… to whom they report.

a) A growing body of evidence does indeed suggest that Enron was a case of bad management

b) In theory, a company’s auditors are appointed independently by its shareholders

c) The Enron fiasco has shown that all is not well with the governance of many big American companies

d) In Congress, politicians are engaged in an investigation of Enron’s managers

3. Since unemployment is a major social concern, ……………… .

a) people enjoy the benefits of living in a rich country.

b) the new government has been making tremendous efforts to reduce it.

c) unemployment compensation scheme had been abolished.

d) the economic prospect seemed discouraging.

Questions 4-6: On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best completes each paragraph.

4. Mount Everest, 29.002 feet high, is situated on the border of Tibet and Nepal. Since the end of the nineteenth

century climbers have been ambitious to conquer it and stand on the highest point of land in the world.

However, it was on 29

th May 1953 that Everest was conquered for the first time; two British climbers were able

to reach the top. …………………

In fact, before this successful climb, there had been ten other attempts and they had all ended in failure.

a) The first climbing expeditions to the Everest were organized by the Royal Geographical Society in London.

b) One should remember that snow and ice are not the climber’s greatest enemy on Everest.

c) On the other hand, after the Second World War, Everest expeditions had to start not from Tibet but from


d) Thus, they were the first men known to have done so.

5. Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on mutual help among blood relatives. As a result, the proportion

of elderly people living with their children is very high when compared with European countries. ………………… .

This is partly due to migration but also to rising numbers of unmarried older people and childless couples.

a) All efforts, therefore, should be directed to meeting their needs.

b) In fact, in Japan the rate of divorce was increasing rapidly.

c) In some families, grandmothers take over the child care roles of their daughters.

d) This proportion was even higher, but has declined since 1960’


English Preparatory Program

 2008-2009 Academic Year

 Sample English Proficiency Exam

 6. The president is the Head of State and represents the unity of the Turkish Nation. ………………… His duties

also include calling the parliament to session, publishing laws, returning laws to parliament for reconsideration,

deciding upon renewal of parliamentary elections, appointing the Prime Minister or accepting his resignation.

a) He is to come from a very educated family educated in modern and credited schools.

b) The president should use his authority to decide upon renewal of parliamentary elections.

c) He oversees the workings of the Constitution and ensures that the departments of the state function


d) The Prime Minister must be personally in line with the Presidential tendencies.

Questions 7-9: On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best gives the answer in that situation.

7. You have been to a special exhibition of Ottoman art, held in the National Museum. You have been much

impressed by the variety and the beauty of the exhibits. So, next day in the office, you recommend it to your

colleagues, you say:

a) The National Museum sometimes holds special exhibitions; at present there is one on Ottoman art.

b) Yes, I went to the exhibition at the National Museum, and do agree that it is very representative.

c) The exhibition of Ottoman art at the National Museum is apparently quite unique one. I suppose you’ve

already seen it.

d) Yesterday, I went to that exhibition of Ottoman art at the National Museum, and thought it was superb. Make

sure you don’t miss it.

8. Your music set is not working well, so you want to get it repaired, but don’t know where to take it. You want

a friend to suggest a good place. You say:

a) My music set is in need of repair. Can you recommend someone good?

b) You know, this music set cost a lot, but it is always breaking down.

c) I am afraid they will charge an awful lot to repair it.

d) Were you satisfied with the service they offered?

9. A friend is worried about his son because he has been getting really poor marks at school. Your friend’s

manner is rather too authoritarian and you think he is too hard on the boy. Rather tentatively, you say:

a) What are his friends like? Are they a bad influence on him?

b) It is serious. You will have to make him work harder.

c) Perhaps you are putting too much pressure on him; he is just at the age that reacts badly to pressure.

d) Don’t charge your manner. He’ll give in.

Questions 10-12: On your answer sheet, mark the best irrelevant alternative in the paragraph.

10. England has a sad record of journalists succumbing to pressure from politicians and officials. (II) Indeed,

many of them are virtually bought by powerful interests. (III) They find it hard to resist the combination of

temptation and pressure that the government has at its disposal. (IV) Naturally, the country as a whole realizes

what is happening and has no confidence in its newspapers. (V) The Sunday Times, which is based in London,

is Britain’s biggest newspaper.

a) II b) III c) IV d) V


English Preparatory Program

2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam

 11. (I) The collapse of the economies of Southeast Asia in the early years of the decade was later followed by

that of Korea, the classic tiger economy. (II) What happens next in a region that is now strewn with the wrecks

of so-called economic miracle? (III) This leaves Europe and United States as significant mass markets. (IV) The

assumption that recession will spread in the region owing to capital flight and belt-tightening is most plausible.

This will deepen as foreign investors increasingly reduce their profile in southeast Asia.

a) I b) II c) III d) IV

12. Stress affects almost everyone from the highly pressured executive to the busy homemaker or student. (II) It

can cause a variety of physical disorders ranging from headaches to stomach ulcers and even alcoholism. (III) It

is believed that a little bit stress won’t do any harm. (IV) Stress, like common cold, is a problem that can’t be

cured; however, it can be controlled. (V) A person can learn to control stress by setting realistic goals, enjoying

a hobby and/ or physical exercise, and by maintaining a good, warm relationship with family and friends.

a) II b) III c) IV d) V

Questions 13-15: On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best rewrites each sentence.

13. I have been abroad for nearly two years, so I am out of touch with everything here.

a) I feel quite like a stranger now that I am back after almost two years abroad.

b) Two years or so out of the country will make you feel differently about your own country.

c) On my return after almost two years, I was touched to find a few changes here.

d) Two years abroad has estranged me, so I don’t want to go back to my country.

14. International conventions have long been prohibiting the use of chemical weapons during war, but how

effective is this likely to be?

a) Can such international bodies be relied upon to ban effectively in the long-term the use of chemical weapons

in time of war?

b) For many years now, chemical warfare has been banned by international agreement, but can the ban be


c) How effectively might the prohibition of chemical warfare be if it had the backing of so many international


d) Over a period of very many years, various international agreements have been drawn up to prohibit the use of

chemical weapons in wartime, but they have hardly been effective, have they?

15. Unless a country can establish the fact that its economy is sound, the world’s public and private lenders

alike refuse to extend loans.

a) As long as a country has a reliable economy, investors from all over the world will refrain from granting


b) Only when a country builds up stable economy do public and private investors of the world agree to lend


c) If a country fails to formulate a static economy, public and private investors will be intent on making

investments there.

d) Until a country proves the fact that it has a stable economy, investors from all over the world will queue up to

make investments in that country.


English Preparatory Program

2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam


Questions 16-18: On your answer sheet, mark the alternative which best completes each dialogue.


Burton: I’ve been reading about landing operations during World War II.




Quite a lot! Did you know that American submarines sank nearly 500 ships

in European waters alone?


No, I didn’t. That’s quite an impressive figure.

a) Yes, I’ve read that book. But I am not sure how reliable the information is.

b) Well, do you think that you are an expert on these matters?

c) So, you say it is rather interesting! Then why don’t you give it to me after you’ve finished it?

d) Well, what have you learned?


Emily: How are you getting on with that novel? James Joyce is supposed to be

difficult to read.


Let’s say his style is unusual and you do need to get used to it.




Oh, certainly. His ideas are really very interesting and impressive.

a) I suppose all popular writers have their own individual style.

b) Well, in the end, do you think it is worth all that effort?

c) I haven’t read any of his books yet, but I believe I will develop a sudden interest in them.

d) Does his special style of writing serve any useful purpose?


Patient: Well, doc, I’ve been suffering from a soar throat and high fever since

yesterday evening.


It is probably due to common cold.




I will prescribe some pills and antibiotics for you, but the best thing you

should do is a good deal of rest in bed.

a) What should I do to overcome it?

b) Is my condition too serious?

c) Do you think I will really need to rest for a while?

d) How long does it take me to recover fully and go back to work?

Questions 19-25: Circle the best options according to the paragraphs below.


There are several points to remember when buying food. First of all, larger shops sell goods at lower prices

than smaller shops. As most people know, supermarkets often sell

their own brands of many products. ‘Own

brands’ are, on average, cheaper than the brands of leading manufacturers. For example, on items such as peas,

beans, soap and soap powder, own brands can be up to 15 percent cheaper. On some lines, such as washing-up

liquid, the savings can be even greater. There is no reason to suppose that own brand ones are inferior. They are

commonly produced in the same place as the branded

ones. Often the difference is the packaging and the price.


English Preparatory Program

2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam

19. It can be inferred from the paragraph that ………………………….. .

a) all own-brand items expired long ago.

b) own-brand items are cheaper because they are produced by the company itself.

c) own-brand items are usually lower in quality, and thus in price as well.

d) Own-brand items are not lower in quality than other products.

20. It can be inferred from the paragraph that ………………………….. .

a) all items are said to be cheaper in supermarkets than in small shops.

b) leading manufacturers earn better by producing own-brand items for supermarkets.

c) price difference between own-brand items and others can be no greater than 15%.

d) washing-up liquid has a low cost of production.

21. What does ‘their’ refer to?

a) supermarkets’ b) manufacturers’ c)supermarket’s d)manufacturer’s

22) What does ‘ones’ refer to?

a) brands b) products c) prices d) packs



When Lydia Nash appeared on the TV program. Who wants to be a millionaire? And was fortunate

enough to win $16,000, she decided to give all the money away.

This wouldn’t have been surprising if she had

been rich or famous, but Lydia is a 19-year-old student.


Lydia gave all the money to a charity in Thailand which helps orphan children- children without parents.


were living in an institution called orphanage. She had also worked there as a volunteer for the previous

three years, asking for no money. ‘I first visited the orphanage when I was seventeen, and I felt very depressed

by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry- looking around all I could see were people who were

obsessed with money. That convinced me to return to Thailand the following year.


After she won the money some of her friends at university thought that maybe she had made the wrong

decision. ‘Some people said I should have saved it for a deposit to buy a house or to pay back my students loan.’

Lydia said. ‘That really annoyed me. Students seem to live in an unreal world, where they always complain

about being poor. But there’s an enormous difference between our situation and people who have absolutely no



With the help of the money Lydia gave them, the charity has just finished building ‘Rainbow House’, a

new facility that will house 50 young children, where they will live until they are adopted.

23) In paragraph 1, what does ‘fortunate’ mean?

a) unlucky b) risky c) lucky d) destiny

24) In paragraph 4, what does ‘adopted’ mean?

a) employed b) taken in c) abandoned d) droned


English Preparatory Program

2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam

25) In paragraph 1, ‘This’ refers to ___.

a) making a surprise

b) being rich and famous

c) giving all the money away

d) appearing on TV

26) In paragraph 2, ‘They’ refers to ___.

a) parents

b) charities

c) children

d) orphans


For years, it has been assumed that obesity is the result of ‘too much food and too little exercise’. While this

maxim is largely correct, the etiology of obesity can be much more complex. There is a well-documented

familial tendency, but whether this is of environmental or genetic origin is unclear. Studies of twins separated at

birth and living apart provide strong evidence for a substantial genetic influence. Children of overweight

parents, when adopted by lean families, have a greater tendency to become obese than do adoptee from nonobese

natural parents. ‘Energy efficiency’ may contribute to obesity; with reserves of fat deposits readily

available to metabolize in the obese, a given amount of activity requires a smaller expenditure of energy. This

theory has been invoked by those who complain that they ‘gain weight whether they eat or not’, and indeed

there is evidence of differences in energy efficiency among individuals. Similarly, obesity has been attributed to

abnormally low basal metabolic rates (BMRs) since obese individuals do show lower BMRs. However, this fact

is due to an artifact of BMR measurement; a larger proportion of the total fat mass of an obese person is inert,

low-metabolizing fat, a fact that makes BMR calculations lower.

27) The main idea of this passage is __________.

a) to discredit the idea that there is a greater degree of energy efficiency in the obese.

b) that the environmental and the genetic causes of obesity are more or less the same.

c) To establish that the factors behind obesity are highly complex and even contradictory.

d) That obesity is a serious health hazard and that a great deal more research into the treatment of it is


28) What does the word ‘assume’ mean?

a) suppose b)satisfy c) affirm d) promise

29) Find the word in the paragraph which means ‘provide, supply’.

a) gain b) contribute c) metabolize d) require

30) Find the word in the paragraph which means ‘proof, verification’.

a) expenditure b) artifact c) lean d) evidence


English Preparatory Program

2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam



You are going to listen two people talking about taking classes over the Internet. You have 3 minutes before you

listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct answer for each question.

31. James is trying to _____.

a. register for classes at a community college

b. decide what subject to major in

c. register for an online course

d. be friends with Rick

32. According to Rick, online classes are _____.

a. the same as traditional classes

b. more convenient than traditional classes

c. more easier than traditional classes

d. more challenging than traditional classes

33. James finds it difficult to complete his education at

the community college because _____.

a. many of the classes are held while he is at work

b. he cannot afford tuition

c. it is very expensive

d. it does not offer the courses he needs

34. James wants a degree so that he can _____.

a. move ahead in the company where he works

b. find a job at a different company

c. learn another language

d. go to graduate school

35. According to Rick, one advantage of taking online

classes is _____.

a. scheduling

b. cost

c. forming relationships with classmates

d. professors

36. In his online courses, Rick has to _____.

a. send emails to his classmates

b. post comments on a discussion board

c. meet with his classmates in person

d. chat with his professors

37. Rick often participates in his online classes _____.

a. before he goes to work

b. during the weekend

c. while he is at his job

d. at nights

38. According to Rick, in an online course _____.

a. it is easy to form relationships with other students

b. it is difficult to catch up if you fall behind

c. students are not taught by qualified professors

d. it is clear that they are difficult


English Preparatory Program

 2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam



You are going to listen to a lecture about slang in language. Listen to the lecture and take notes.

Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi ( Proficiency ) İngilizce hazırlık atlama sınavı

English Preparatory Program

2008-2009 Academic Year

Sample English Proficiency Exam



You are going to listen to a lecture about slang in language. Listen to the lecture and take notes.